Saturday, August 18, 2018

On being a mother

It is very challenging nowadays to be a mother of young kids. Kids need a lot of time, energy, attention ,love, care, discipline and a lot more.
Being a mum has its own perks but it comes with a lot of pressure and frustration as well. I am blessed to be around my kids, attend to their needs, enrich their minds and souls every day and watch them grow.
Yet, at some days I feel really drained, I look up to a break; mental, physical and emotional. Especially that I'm a person who derives my energy from solitude, only then I'm back to life to face the world.
Dealing with kids all day can be draining, yet rewarding. It takes a lot of stamina to stay sane and keep a healthy happy environment at home.
Sometimes I blame myself that I am short in performing acts of worshiping but then I remind myself that
"كلكم راع و كلكم مسؤؤل عن رعيته"
“Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them"
This is my duty now as a Muslim mother to raise happy balanced educated and pious children who will grow up one day into successful Muslim productive adults. If I didn't raise them well now, and instill deen and manners, no one will.
What I find heart warming about our religion is that العمل عبادة (Work in Islam is a form of worshiping) I try to renew my intentions throughout the day. I'm trying to be the best mother I could be for the sake of Allah. And the Amanah he has given me for which I am fully responsible for.
Lets share together, what Nawaya (Intentions) do you take all day while spending time with your kids or doing house chores?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Do you believe in magic?

When we were young, we lived in our good world…A world where fairytales, unicorns, talking animals & great kingdoms were undeniable.

Bit by bit & as the years passed, the real world began to unfold, & our fairly lands became distorted, only to be remembered as good old childhood memories…

Do you still believe in it?

I personally do.
I do believe that we can always bring it back to life if we wish...
I believe that magic is the energy conveyed in the air between two lovers. It’s the warmth of a hug from someone dear. It’s in the ability to heal some one’s pain, or ease their sorrow, to make some one smile, or laugh from their heart till they shine.
It’s the unconditional giving without waiting for the return.

And the ultimate one of all is being so close to Him, so near to your creator that everything else seems so small. It’s when you finally find the peace you’ve always been looking for… peace…security… and serenity.

It’s magic…
Do you believe you can make your own?

Monday, August 30, 2010

And the winner is...

Her fierce looks & sharp face wouldn't let me stop staring at her. Her whole body was almost flying in one direction. Her head did not even turn for a moment to look around. It seemed that the air she was grasping was not her only fuel. Something was burning inside...
A few seconds later, she was almost there. Her face turned fiercer as her arms struggled harder with the air. Her legs sharpened from spinning & her feet barely hit the ground...until they reached the finish line.

I was flipping through some TV channels when I saw this girl. I admired her determination to win the running Olympics....and she did win FIRST place.

In a few hours, our marathon will start...
It lasts for ten days & comes only once per year.

Maybe we have wasted some precious days of Ramadan. Maybe we were not ready for its sudden arrival during summer, or maybe we have some other reasons.
We regret what has gone, but does this mean the game is over??!!


In fact, we're blessed with Allah who cares...
He is Al Rahim who's the most Merciful & who's always eager to give us another chance.
He is Al Ghafur who forgives our shameful deeds.
And Al Wadud who's always near to fill our hearts with love.

His paradise doors are wide opened for all of us. ِ
Didn't He say??

قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله" (الزمر_53)53 "

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [39:53]

Lets join the marathon this year.....
To insert some light in our life book.
To do something we have never done in any of our past Ramadans.
Lets break our own records..

We have already stayed up all night to watch our favourite TV show's rerun, to chat with friends, to reach a higher level in a computer or video game, to wait for someone we love at the airport, to watch the sunrise, or even hangout with friends at Alex or sa7el.

Don't we deserve to give ourselves a treat, an armor from the unknown, a good-deeds bank account with our creator...

One night...If we aim to shoot, new horizons will open for us.
Lailat Al Qadr...One night better than 1000 months
& 1000 months=30,000 days=83 years!!!
If you have wasted your whole life, this night is worth an entire lifetime.


Lets break a record.

(و في ذلك فليتنافس المتنافسون" (المطففين_26

"So for this let the competitors compete." [83:26]

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The magic word

Allahu Akbar!!

Do you feel it?

Allaaaahu Akbar...

He's gretaer than everyone & above everything. He's the greatest of all.

He's my priority today, tomorrow & every remaining day in my short life.

It's beautiful to grasp its glory...Say it slowly..."Allaaaahu Akbar!"

Allahu Akbar when i decide, Allahu Akbar i say it with pride. Allahu Akbar is the light on the not so bright days.

It's my every breath & each heart beat. It's in every blink & each someone i meet.

With Allahu Akbar, I'll face the world. Good morning world!

Allaaaaaaaaahu Akkkkbbaarrr...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The bar soap container

This Eid I travelled with my family & some friends to Taba at the Southern of Sinai; it's really a great place with wonderful attractions. We went hiking & climbed an extremely high mountain where we got to see the borders of Palestine, Jordan & Saudi Arabia from the peak.

At the hotel while packing our bags at the end of the trip, one of my relatives entered the bathroom to check his stuff. He liked this soap container at the basin. It was rounded & with holes in the middle to prevent water from accumulating around the soap & dissolving it. He thought the hotel definitely had a lot of them & it won't matter if he took it with him home. After all, it's not expensive & it's made of plastic, plus the house keepers are used to finding missing stuff so they'll replace it shortly. He stared at it again, but hesitated & immediately left the hotel room.

Three hours later in the bus heading to Cairo…

The phone rang.

"Good afternoon Mr. A, this is your boss's office & he'll be with you in a minute."….

"Hello Mr. A, I hope you had a great holiday. Guess what, you earned a bonus this month…"

It was totally unexpected!!!

What can I say!!

وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُ مَخْرَجاًّ(2) وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ
لاَ يَحْتَسِبُ "
سورةالطلاق_ 2,3

"And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).(2). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine.(3)"
At Talaaq_2,3

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Break Up Effect!

I'm already missing you
Though you're still here

The fact that you're leaving

Is torturing me dear

I'll always remember your days

And all the good things we did

How you spread your magic

Since I were a kid

I saw people changing

Inside all over out

Day & night they made prayers

For in their God, they have no doubt

You delighted the rich

And were generous on the poor

You were our only hope

For hell to close its door

For heaven's gates wide opened

And hell fire was locked

People were more tolerant

For all satins were blocked

Ramadan, If you insist on leaving

Don't take my soul with you

Your blessings, if you take them away

Right here it'll turn into a zoo

Ramadan, next year who knows

If I'd be alive or not

Till then I'll strive & pray
For my heart not to rot!

Hana Arafa
Ramadan 1430

Wishing u all a happy Eid